We probably all know that a logo is the face of a brand, and it needs to be unique, recognizable, and timeless. We also know that logo design should be a vector file and that a logo should be original yet also simple. These are the common rules that all designers should follow when creating a logo. However, there are other equally important rules that are not talked about much anywhere, and these can make or break the success of an originality logo.

In this blog post, we will dive deeper into the world of logo design and explore the 4 rules of a good logo that are often overlooked but are crucial for creating a memorable and effective brand identity. So, whether you are a designer or a business owner, read on to discover how you can create a winning logo that truly represents your brand.

Avoid Revealing Your Weakness to Clients

As a logo designer, it’s crucial to never display any signs of weakness to your clients. This means that you must present yourself with confidence and a logical approach to selling your ideas. Half of the trick to getting your logo designs approved and sold is based on storytelling. If you appear weak in terms of your design confidence, it will be much harder to achieve this.

Let me explain with an example. If I am designing the best logo design for an organic food company and I present my clients with initial concepts, I must be able to back up every decision I’ve made with logic and confidence. I should never say things like, “I was going to use a pale green, but then I got stuck between this blue color. Because I couldn’t decide, I decided to show you both.” While this may seem helpful, it looks like you’re not sure about your designs and skills to the client.

The client consciously and unconsciously wants to be completely confident in your ability and decision-making skills as a graphic designer. If you come across as professional and confident, you have a better chance of your designs being approved and getting paid.

Make Sure Your Logo is Tailored for the Right Person

A beginner logo designer may create a logo based solely on their personal preferences, principles of logo design, or the latest trends without considering the needs of the client. A middle-tier designer, on the other hand, would create a logo that caters to their client’s specifications. However, a truly professional and skilled designer would create a logo with the client’s targeted market group in mind. This emphasizes the importance of confidence in delivering the design to the client. By explaining the reasoning behind the design choices and selling the story of how it will appeal to the target market and increase brand awareness, the designer can effectively communicate the purpose of the logo to the client. It is crucial to always keep in mind who the logo is being designed for, and this should be evident from the research conducted before the design process.

Read A Detailed Guide On The Math Behind Logo Size.

Logo Type should Complement Brand Identity and Message

Getting the logo mark or the symbol is just halfway through the game. The logotype itself is equally as crucial and should continue the message you are trying to convey to the target markets.

If you look at Chanel’s logo, you can see the logo type is modern, sleek, and important in nature. This is carried by the modern sans-serif style and also a nice amount of kerning between each letter and is presented all in uppercase lettering. 

If we then take a look at Airbnb, they have rounded yet modern and friendly logotype examples. Why? Because the brand wants rebranding to appear as friendly and welcome to people yet also cutting edge and modern at the same time. The typeface style and the fact that they have used only lowercase letters will help to push this narrative to the audience.

When presenting your conceptual ideas to the client, show how your choice of logotype targets a certain group of people and how it is going to represent the brand from a psychological point of view is only going to add conviction and your power as a designer trying to sell them your visual ideas.

Not showing how you have arrived at these decisions is only going to go against you when it comes to persuading them. You can think of it kind of like a courtroom, where you need to present evidence in your favor.

To learn more about logotypes, read our blog post “All The Logos And Their History.”

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Don’t Forget the Importance of Analyzing Competitors

It’s common for designers to overlook or dismiss this aspect of a brand’s design as unimportant. However, this approach is completely wrong, and many professional branding agencies in the market will agree. One of the most critical aspects that designers need to consider is studying the competition.

Competitive analysis is vital because your client’s competitors are constantly vying for their business and revenue. By analyzing what the competition is doing, you can better position your client’s brand in the market and give them a competitive edge.

If you design a logo that looks almost identical to your client’s competitor, your client will feel like they’ve been ripped off. Furthermore, the brand will not perform well because it won’t have a unique identity that stands out in the market.

Therefore, it’s essential to study the competition to avoid designing a logo that is too similar to its competitors. By doing so, you can tailor the best logo design to give your client’s brand an edge up on the competition and position it for success. Don’t overlook this critical step in the design process because it can make all the difference in the success of your client’s brand.


When designing a logo or a brand identity, keep in mind that it is not an expression of art where you kind of make something cool or pretty. It’s a tool that needs to represent the brand in the market, almost as if it is going to war against other businesses.  And if you are not a designer and want a state-of-the-art professional logo, reach out to LogoVent. Our company has the best logo designers in the market who are well-versed in principles of logo design and are ready to deliver a logo that helps you stand out.

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