Thinking about redesigning a logo can be tricky, especially when it is the first one you have. It means a lot, and certainly, as the logo’s owner, you will have an emotional connection with it. However, it is only normal for logos to go through a transition at least one time (or a couple). There are examples of the most famous brands out there who had to redesign their logos according to the current trends and gain a competitive edge in the market.

It is a tricky choice to make, especially for new companies. Your logo may have been out there in the market for a couple of months or two years. However, certain factors need to be considered to determine the relevance of your logo design. As time passes, trends change, and consumer behavior and preferences change, which can be one of the leading factors that puts your logo’s ability to convey a message or credibility at risk.

While it is common for some brands to not feel the need to change their logo design, some may, especially if you designed a logo based on the trends that were popular at that time. If you relate to this, you have come to the perfect place to get the facts straight. Here, you will learn all the important reasons why you would need to make your logo design seem modern and up-to-date. Let us get right into it!

What is a Logo Redesign?

A logo redesign is the process of modifying or updating an existing logo design to better reflect a brand’s current identity, goals, values, and purpose. This can be done by entirely changing the logo or making slight to obvious modifications. The elements that change can be the color, shape, size, addition or removal of an emblem, typography, and the overall aesthetic.

Logo redesigns are often considered when a company undergoes a rebranding effort, changes its aesthetic, expands into new markets, or simply wants to refresh its image and attract more audience. Sometimes, companies redesign their logos to spark curiosity in the existing audience, making a lasting impact in their minds. The objective of a successful logo redesign is to make a stronger, more memorable, relevant, and effective visual representation of the brand.

Logo fact: Approximately 75% of people recognize a brand by its logo

Read more: The Logo Evolution of the Disney Logo.

When to Redesign a Logo?

It can be tricky to determine when exactly a brand should consider redesigning its logo. There is no hard and fast rule as to when a company should redesign its logo, but it is important to be observant and aware of how the business is doing and how the market is evolving to make sure that you do not fall behind.

Say you have built a strong customer base who follow you or are already aware of and used to your current logo design. You may want to change it carefully, making sure that it looks modified, but the message it delivers does change. If a dramatic change is made to such a logo design, which is already well recognized, and you have a storing customer base, then you could lose customers.

So, if you are confused about whether to redesign your logo, we have gathered the top 6 tips and questions you should ask yourself before you make this huge decision.

Learn more: What is Brand Reputation? Everything You Need to Know.

1. Are you facing new competition?

New competition is inevitable to avoid; there are always new emerging brands that sell similar products or services as you do. Keeping that in mind, it may be normal for their logo designs to look similar, if not the same, as yours.

For example, if you notice that hairdressers or hair salons usually include scissors in their logo designs, and if not the design, then the names could include similar words, such as cut.

It is normal for new rising businesses across all kinds of industries to have stiff competition when it comes to owning the most modern logo design. By releasing a logo redesign, you show our audience that you are not simply sitting back and watching these new businesses rise up. Instead, you will stand against them.

2. Has your audience changed?

It is normal for consumer behavior and preferences to change over time. If you find yourself targeting a younger audience, expect that their preferences will change sooner rather than later. However, you can always regain their attention with the right logo redesign. If you feel you struggle connecting with them, a new company logo design will refresh your image and give it a modern look. This will help your brand resonate with a younger audience, and they will identify with you.

More about logo evolution: Everything about the Discord Logo Evolution.

3. Does your logo look outdated?

This can be a tough question for business owners to answer because how they will see their own logo is not the same as how others will see their logo. Nonetheless, this is an important question you must ask yourself.

Change is always happening, and it is impossible to avoid it. If you plan on saving your logo design or think it is a vintage or “groovy” look, then it is possible you may be in denial, especially if this is not your brand aesthetic. For instance, if you design old-school lava lamps, it is normal for your logo design to look retro and groovy, but if that is not your aesthetic, then it will send the wrong message to your audience.

Fashion, aesthetics, and preferences change, so you would not want to run the risk of owning an ancient-looking logo now, would you?

4. Has your business expanded?

Companies and businesses can expand or shift their focus, for example, by expanding their newly launched products or even merging with a new company if their business has changed in some notable way. If your business has changed in some notable way, for example, the packaging or the style, then you should consider redesigning your logo to match your current business objectives.

Companies that fail to do this create a negative impression on their audience. We have seen many companies launch new lines and collaborate with other brands, but their logo designs remain the same, creating a sense of confusion.

5. Does your logo have a meaning?

A logo’s meaning is important for creating a strong brand identity and resonating with the intended audience. A well-designed logo goes above and beyond being visually attractive; it must convey the business values, mission, and unique selling proposition.

A logo redesign can significantly improve a logo’s meaning by aligning it with the brand’s current values and goals, maintaining brand identity, improving brand perception, increasing brand relevance, and enhancing brand differentiation. Considering these reasons, if you feel that your logo lacks meaning or message, it is time for you to redesign it.

More to know: Why Logos are Important for Small Businesses.

6. Is your logo design identifiable?

While a logo design does look great on top of your shop or even on a website, it is important to consider marketing it through social media platforms, making it visible and identifiable if you feel that your logo design is not gaining the recognition it should, that also ticks the clock for redesigning a logo.

This way, even if you are marketing your brand with the best strategies but do not see an increase in visitors to your website or app, it shows that there is a problem with the current logo design.

How to Redesign Your Logo

Redesigning a logo does not mean that you just make “changes,” add or subtract things from the logo, or completely change the face of your company. No. You may even need to start from scratch, but keep in mind the main things that keep your brand identity, such as the color or your logo.

Sometimes, logos do not even need to undergo a complete redesign but instead need to be refreshed. There is a difference. Refreshing a logo design is not as such easier, but it is considered to be less dramatic as the changes can be minimal compared to a whole redesign. When you make up your mind to refresh your logo design over redesigning it, you would want to keep your current design elements in place and consider refreshing the color schemes if necessary. Or, if you notice the edges of your logo design being harsh, you could soften it to make it look more modern.

An interesting read: A Full History of 7up Logo Evolution.

Redesign Your Logo with LogoVent

Redesigning your logo is not a light or simple task, nor should it be the most unachievable thing in the world. It is just based on a good eye (expert logo designers), aesthetic, and brand message. Knowing what elements and features are important for your logo design can be tough to decide on. However, suppose you feel scared to take this big step of changing your logo design. In that case, you can always consider the large companies that are ancient (literally) and have gone through several iterations and changes in order to come to the “one” logo design that defines their purpose and is the celebrity face of their brand.

While it can be tricky for the logo owner to truly see what changes are needed for their logo redesign, which is when the professionals come in? With years of experience, LogoVent is known for delivering logo designs that send the right brand message to the intended audience. We have a team of specialized logo designers who will work closely with you to create a custom logo redesign that reflects your brand values and unique selling points. It is essential for the numerous brands to increase daily, and if you feel your logo design is outdated, it is time for you to regain that spotlight in the market for the audience to see.


How often should a logo be redesigned?

Typically, a logo redesign should be considered every 10 years, but there is no hard and fast rule for following this concept. Nor should you redesign your logo too often; that would drive customers away. It all depends on changing trends, consumer behavior, and the overall success of your business.

What logos need a redesign?

The logos that require a redesign are the ones that do not send the right message to their intended audience, were made during specific time periods based on that aesthetic if your business has expanded or collaborated with new brands, and when you are facing new competitors in the market.

What is the difference between logo rebranding and redesigning?

Logo rebranding is considered a broader range of changes, including the company name, tagline, marketing strategy, and the whole image of the brand. At the same time, a logo redesign is an updated version of the past logo or a complete logo change to better match the company’s values and objectives.