Logos are a necessary part of any company. A logo design can make or break your brand. It’s important that you find the right one for your business, and it’s even more important that you understand what makes up a great logo design.

There are many different types of logos, so we’ll help you figure out what is right for your business.

Whether you are a business owner looking to create a new logo, or a designer seeking inspiration, this article will provide a comprehensive overview of the different logo design styles available.

What is a LOGO?

A logo is a symbol, abbreviation or visual representation that embodies a company’s name, identity and/or motto. It can be used to identify companies and products. Logos are mostly used in marketing, branding and advertising, but they can also be seen on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Designers often create logos, but they can also be hand-drawn by someone good at drawing anything! The design process for creating a new logo includes brainstorming ideas about what you want your company to stand for and then narrowing down those ideas into one or two main concepts (such as colors).

After all that hard work comes the fun part, where you get creative with it! You will use certain rules when designing your own logo, so make sure you follow them carefully; otherwise, things could turn out looking funny instead of professional 🙂

1. Abstract Logos.

Abstract Logos.

An abstract logo uses geometric shapes and colours to create an image. The type of geometric shape you use depends on your brand, but this kind of design can be applied to any industry or product.

Some examples of abstract logos include:

  • Coca-Cola’s iconic red/white/blue colour scheme (see below)
  • Apple’s rainbow flag-inspired logo

2. 3D Logos.

3D Logos.

3D logos are created using 3D modeling software. Creating a 3D logo involves many more steps than creating a 2D one, so it’s more expensive. However, suppose you’re looking for something that will stand out from the rest of your competitors’ designs and make your brand memorable. In that case, this type of design could be worth the extra cost because it can be used on various media such as video games or websites (no pun intended).

Also, if you are intended to make your logo your own, reach out to our blog post: How Do I Create My Own Logo?

3. Geometric Logos.

Geometric Logos.

Geometric logos are based on geometric shapes. These can be simple geometric shapes such as circles, squares and triangles. They’re easy to make because they don’t have any complicated lines or shading like realistic logos do.

Geometric logos are timeless: they don’t need to change with time, and their simplicity makes them more timeless than other types of logo designs.

4. Numerical Logos (like the number 7).

Numerical Logos (like the number 7).

Banks and financial institutions often use numerical logos. They can be used to represent a date (like “17”), anniversary (like “25th”), or year of establishment (like “1944”). Numerical logos can also represent the number of employees or products at your business.

Numerical logos are often abstract or geometric in nature, but they don’t always have to be so! In fact, some people prefer their logo designs to look like ink splatters on a piece of paper instead of something too fancy looking.

5. Pictorial and Abstract Symbols (like the rainbow).

Pictorial and Abstract Symbols (like the rainbow).

This type of logo design is popular because it’s simple and doesn’t require much explanation. This type of graphic needs to be powerful enough to make an impact but not so complicated that no one understands what it represents.

6. Objects & Complementary Shapes

Objects & Complementary Shapes

This type of logo design uses objects to represent a company or product, and it’s often used in conjunction with other forms of graphic design. For example, Apple’s logo combines an apple and an eye–it’s meant to represent the company’s focus on innovation through technology. In contrast, Google has a simple red “G” as its logo because it wants users to focus on its services rather than any specific products themselves; this makes sense since many people use Google Search multiple times every day without thinking about what they’re looking for exactly!

There are countless examples from around the world showing how designers can take advantage of complementary shapes when designing logos; here are just two:

7. Typography Logo

Typography Logo

Typography is a font that uses letters to form words and sentences. It is one of the oldest forms of visual communication, making it perfect for logos. This type of logo has been around since ancient times and has always been a symbol of power, wealth, and authority.

Typography was first used as a way to write down information on scrolls or clay tablets. As civilizations developed, it became more important to use typography in your design because it was more practical than other media types like painting or sculpture.

You can have many different kinds of logos for various purposes

Logos are for different purposes. Some logos are for industries, such as retail and marketing, while others may be for a specific product or service.

Logo designs can vary greatly in their look, from simple to complex and sophisticated. They can also differ in terms of color palette and font styles used on them (or not). There are many different types of logos, but don’t worry about it! Just focus on what works best for your business or brand and get started on creating something beautiful!

Lastly, before we conclude, it’s important for you to take a look at our previous blog post: A-Z Branding Guide For Rising Entrepreneurs.


We hope we’ve helped you understand the seven most common types of logo designs and which one might be right for your business. Whether you’re looking to create an abstract or geometric logo or something more traditional like a numerical symbol, there’s sure to be something on our list that will match your company’s needs. Nonetheless, if you are willing to hire a professional to design your logo, LogoVent is the way to go.

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