A logo design is a small design that gives big indications as to what your business represents. Logo designs are the window to your brand’s representation. They are meant to be unique, and trendy and match the aesthetic your business is pulling off. Logos communicate with your customers and give a first impression of what your business is all about.

Now there are many DIY logo design applications and logo design makers advertised as “free” that direct their audience towards some unprofessional claims. Of course, it can be difficult for business owners to decide what option to choose from. Whether to hire professional logo designers or download applications to create your own logo design, hopefully, this article helps clear your confusion! Here are a few major factors to consider before finalizing your conclusion.

The Significance Of A Powerful Logo

Apart from the fact that logos create an image of your brand identity, it is also crucial to consider that it serves much more than just that. It has the power to attract people from a psychological aspect. By using such strategies logos can build an ever-lasting image no matter how many years go by. For example, who can ever forget the Starbucks logo? It has made a powerful statement by just a symbol!

A strong logo should be timeless, instantly recognizable, and locked in one’s memory by using the priming technique. All of the renowned logos use these concepts and use the skills that professional logo designers have to offer as this is their specialized field for a reason!

What Makes Professional Logo Designers Different From DIY Logo Designs?

Professional logo designers have studied and understood the logic and purpose behind meaningful logo designs. They have knowledge about updated tools and strategies used to create professional logo designs. And what’s more is that you actually get to have full ownership over this logo design, no matter what! Professional logo designers are efficient and fast while developing on-point logo designs every time. On the contrary, a DIY logo design can be fun to create, giving a sense of achievement, but it could lack originality since a DIY-er would want to take inspiration from other famous logo designs. A DIY logo design may not stand out and could be ignored because of the competitive logo designs out there. Although DIY logo designs are not all that bad, for a beginner it is a great way to learn, but for a professional business or brand, it is not the right way to turn. Before we actually jump to this conclusion, let us look at the main factors that explain these statements for DIY logo designs and free logo design makers.

Team DIY Logo Designers

So let us look at some basic but important reasons to not opt for  DIY logo designs and free logo designing applications.

  • Limited Designs and Templates: Unless you want to buy the complete application and come up with a design that can be easily replicated from the same application, it can cause a hassle while establishing your logo design or making it official. It will be difficult to make your logo design one-of-a-kind and give it that professional touch by using a common application that anyone can use.
  • Low Quality: Unlike a professional logo designed by a logo designer, an application asks you to either download your DIY logo design or convert it into PDF format which could potentially lower its quality and cause it to look more pixelated. This portrays low-quality graphics and bad color combinations. This will have a tremendous negative impact on your business reputation and will make people perceive an unprofessional appeal.
  • Time-Consuming: If you are a beginner or you have no prior knowledge about logo designs and how to lay them out. DIY-ing your logo design through free logo makers or logo design apps will cause you more harm than good. It may be a fun experience and you could learn a few tips and tricks but the professional and polished appeal would majorly be lacking in your logo design. Not to mention the time taken to create it. Unlike this, a professional logo designer or designing company knows how to play well with their designs and create a timeless logo design within a few days or a week at most.
  • Lack of Complete Ownership: While creating your own logo design through readily available and worldwide accessible DIY logo designing applications, you can easily get your logo design plagiarized or you cannot gain full access to it no matter what. As those same designs, prints, fonts, shapes, and aesthetics would be available to a thousand more individuals out there your design can be easily replicated if not done intentionally.
  • Sneaky Fees: Some DIY logo design applications or Logo design makers may portray themselves as completely free, however, that is not until you put in all that time and effort to just find out that you have to buy certain functions and tools that you have applied to your logo design. In addition, you can be charged further if you wish to access VIP functions or tools, that would still create the most basic logo design.
  • Harmful To Your Brand Image: Your logo will represent your brand’s image, and is the largest part of a business’s identity. Since people judge on the basis of logos, that is the first visual that can easily be a yes or a no when it comes to your logo design. If your business is professional and is either a startup or has been well established if you have no comprehensive knowledge of logo designing, your DIY logo design could have an off-putting effect on your business. Eventually, your brand growth may suffer because of this.
  • Lack of Creativity: Although you may be a creative individual, because of limited tools and functions or updated technology where you can not access it, may cause you to lack your creative side. You could sketch out your design but using professional graphics that professional logo designers have access to won’t let your dream turn into a reality. To add if you do lack the creative side, which is okay, then trying a DIY logo design to represent your business in order to save a little bit of money would do you more harm than good.

Why Professional Logo Designers Achieve Every Time

Professional logo designers have a range of ideas and designs ready to start customizing your logo design. They are trained individuals that capture a brand’s image and essence and know what visuals it gives off and they start customizing your logo design right away! Professional logo designers have prior knowledge of logo designing and they have the skill and set of advanced and on-demand technical tools for creating logo designs. Professional logo designers also know the psychology behind logo designs, so they use this art to compel and attract your customers to your business and help you gain more customers over time.

Choosing a professional logo designer or a design agency for your business is the right choice to make for the competitive market out there. Since there are so many logo designs and famous ones, you cannot take the risk of trademarking or unknowingly plagiarizing a logo design that could cause you harm. A logo designer is careful while customizing a logo design from scratch. Professional logo designers are often picked by top businesses because they know that their brand’s logo is in safe and authentic hands. They provide high-quality and official designs that require the skills and expertise that professional logo designers have. Professional logo designers promise to give you unique and outstanding logo designs that will create a great brand representation. With effective color coordination, shape, size, font style, and symbol application they know exactly what they are doing in this domain! Finally, even when your logo design is complete with a professional logo designer or designing agency, you can further add changes or give suggestions to which they can either modify or help you understand the logic behind whatever logo design they came up with.

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Let’s Wrap It Up

To further understand why DIY logo design makers and applications are not ideal for your business or brand reputation is because they create an unofficial and unprofessional appeal to them. Some people may not even take your business seriously if the logo design comes out wrong. However, to not completely stop you from creating a logo design, yes It may be fun and be a good activity to indulge in. but when it comes to professional standards, it is not the best strategy to work with while creating a brand reputation online or in the real world. Most DIY-free logo makers can even download certain folders or other extensions into your device that could also harm your device or worse. So to steer clear of any such potential harm, choosing professional logo designers is the way to go!

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